A Success Story

A small healthcare data warehouse company's products were of greatest value to large companies. While the market need seemed obvious, developing leads, creating an image of credibility and financing the operation posed significant challenges. Wavelogix principals, using our unique tools, were able to chart a course for the company that lead to major partnerships, a Fortune 5 customer and eventual acquisition.

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A Lesson to Be Learned

Despite investing in digital photography and proclaiming to the world its commitment to the new technology, a major photographic manufacturer's efforts proved a failure because its management couldn't think beyond its traditional customer. A Wavelogix principal demonstrated that these traditional customers had limited interest in shifting from their still satisfactory solution but that new still-to-be-defined markets were beginning to identify themselves. The history of the manufacturer, its comfort with its established market relations and the inherent inability to show large ready markets for a new technology all contributed to the failure.

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Achieving Liquidity

An Internet product and services company, selling to e-commerce ventures, was beginning to show some traction just as the dotcom bubble was beginning to burst. Revenues, and the company's existence, appeared to be at risk. A Wavelogix analysis showed that the company's revenue was coming primarily from investors in their clients' businesses and not from the delivery of value to end-users. To make matters worse, the investment dollars were drying up. The company was unlikely to survive until the market became more fully formed. It became clear that the company's value proposition and advanced technology would be important to a corporate partner with a long-term view. Such a partner was identified and the sale of the company was completed in a matter of months.

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